Dr. Mabuse, created by Norbert Jacques and made famous by director Fritz Lang, is returning to the silver screen in a brand new incarnation - directed by Ansel Faraj, from his original screenplay. The film is currently filming in Los Angeles for a 2013 release, and stars Jerry Lacy (Play it Again, Sam) as the nefarious Dr. Mabuse; Nathan Wilson (Brother Drop Dead) as Inspector Carl Lohemann, who is put on the Mabuse case; Bahia Garrigan as 'femme fatale' Christina Novello; David Graham as City General Oscar Lang; Julian Grant as Edward Hull; Derek Mobraaten as Tom Smith; and Linden Chiles as Inspector Norbert Von Wenk, Mabuse's original nemisis. The film also features appearances from John C. Smith, Annie Waterman, Mihran Konanyan, Matthew Greene, and Vivian Brasch; as well as 'Dark Shadows' stars Kathryn Leigh Scott and Lara Parker as Madame Von Harbau and Madame Carrozza - two mysterious characters whose motives are being shrouded in secrecy. Stay tuned for regular updates for this and other Hollinsworth Productions titles currently in production!